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发布时间:2018-04-13 16:08

康奈尔大学(Cornell University)是一所位于美国纽约州伊萨卡的世界顶级私立研究型大学,是著名的常春藤联盟成员。康奈尔大学由埃兹拉·康奈尔和安德鲁·迪克森·怀特于1865年建立,是八所常春藤名校中唯一创办于美国独立战争之后的新生力量,办学理念曾影响了整个美国高等教育,规模为当时全美高校之最。



The graduate field of applied economics and management (AEM) at Cornell's top-ranked Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management has an over 100-year tradition of producing top graduates through its rigorous but flexible program led by the School's internationally known faculty.

As a Dyson graduate student, you will work closely with the School's faculty on applied research to achieve our mission to promote inclusive and sustainable prosperity, both locally and globally. Our business is a better world. Our emphasis is on impact through people and ideas.

With the solid academic training and research experience gained at the Dyson School, you will be in big demand. Our graduates obtain academic jobs in leading academic departments and public policy schools at top universities throughout the world, as well as positions in government, major development organizations, and businesses in the private and not-for-profit sectors.

The Dyson School's supportive and collegial environment within an Ivy League university has long opened doors to academic and career success. The high quality of our graduate program and high caliber of our students have been recognized by an unsurpassed string of M.S. thesis and Ph.D. dissertation awards. Over the past 10 years, the Dyson School’s graduate students have won more Outstanding Master's Thesis and Ph.D. Dissertation Awards from the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) combined than students from any other university in the U.S.


近年来Applied Economics and Management, M.S. 学生主要就职单位有:
Barclays,McKinsey and Company,International Fund for Agricultural Development ,Analysis Group,Farient Advisors,Giorgio Mushroom Company,World Bank,Global Data and Information Management,UnionPay Advisor,Scotiabank,Hancock Agricultural Group,GE Energy

Yale School of Public Health,Northeastern University,Pennsylvania State University,University of Rochester,University of California, Carnegie Mellon University,San Diego,California State University,University of Alberta,University of Georgia,Clark University,University of Pittsburgh University of Illinois,Xiamen University

公司电话:北京:010-51627912 全国:4007060592
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