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喜讯!祝贺爱祖儿人大学子获得哥大MPA Offer!
发布时间:2018-03-26 09:41


哥伦比亚大学拥有世界一流的法学院、商学院、医学院、新闻学院等,其新闻学院颁发的普利策奖(Pulitzer Prize)是美国新闻界的最高荣誉。自20世纪以来,哥伦比亚大学一直被公认为美国一流的高等教育机构之一。该校学术氛围浓厚,多次被评为全美学业压力最重的大学之一;但由于得天独厚的地理优势,哥伦比亚大学也是全美最受欢迎的大学之一。

The MPA degree program is designed to provide students with qualitative and quantitative analytical skills and with the hands-on management skills required by leaders in the major fields of public affairs. Students and faculty in the MPA program focus on local and national projects in a global context, drawing on the international strengths of SIPA. Students address a variety of local and national issues, ranging from economic development in Kazakhstan, to environmental issues in Japan, to municipal bond ratings or city management in New York.


A Capstone workshop is a live consulting project with an external client outside of SIPA. Each workshop partners a team of about 6 graduate students with a faculty advisor. The goal is to provide clients with innovative analysis and practical recommendations, while SIPA students gain experience by working on a real-world problem.


国际与公共事务学院(School of International and Public Affairs)也为学生在职业发展上助力。不仅为在读学生和毕业生提供职业咨询,包括模拟面试、简历修改、职位搜索建议等,还设立了职业辅导项目,为在读学生和毕业生提供不同职业的信息,包括相关行业的信息和机会、行业发展趋势、职业发展建议等。同时,学生还可以参加职业发展课程进一步探索适合自己职业。


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