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发布时间:2018-03-23 13:20

坐落在美国宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡卡耐基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University),简称CMU,是世界著名学府。该校拥有享誉全球的计算机学院和戏剧学院,其艺术学院,商学院,工程院以及公共管理学院等也都在全美名列前茅。CMU由工业家兼慈善家安德鲁·卡耐基于1900年创建,当时名为卡内基技术学校,1912年改名为卡耐基梅隆大学,开始向以研究为主的美国重点大学转变。卡耐基先生的名言:My heart is in the work,是这所大学的校训,即使经历了百年内数次重大革新,这样的信念依旧根深蒂固融于整个大学文化中。在校训的指引下,卡耐基梅隆大学对学生的训练异常严格,课业繁重,在普林斯顿评论(Princeton Review)每年“学生累得像狗的大学排名”中,从来高居前几位,与加州理工学院、麻省理工学院、芝加哥大学、普林斯顿大学等同为美国乃至全世界训练最为残酷的大学。


同样,CMU还是 NASA 航空航天科研任务的主要承制单位之一,该校对机器人的研究有很长的历史,还参与过美国的月球探测步行机器人项目,被公认为是全球将机器人应用于教育领域的先驱者。


Carnegie Mellon’s Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence and Entrepreneurship program follows a unique educational paradigm that combines a rigorous computer science education with real-world experience in initiating and operating an entrepreneurial project with external stakeholders.

Our students apply techniques from machine learning, big data analytics, data mining and information retrieval to solve important problems in a wide range of domains. They learn to solve these problems by correctly capturing the information need, identifying resources, designing analytic pipelines, coding required modules and integrating emerging technologies into an effective solution. Once they hit the workforce, our graduates can quickly assemble teams, identify challenges and create innovative solutions to problems.

The course work and projects included in the MS Artificial Intelligence and Entrepreneurship program are all designed around current challenges and research areas related to artificial intelligence. Students learn how to evaluating emerging trends, technologies and opportunities in addition to developing a variety of scientific and technical skills such as large scale system integration, big data analysis, machine learning, information retrieval, content management, and text and data mining.Students in the program will work closely in teams with industry advisors and sponsors to develop innovative, relevant solutions to current real-world problems. This approach combines academic learning and close industry connections to develop applied, practical experiences.

MS AIE项目在系统、软件工程、人机交互、语言技术和计算生物学等领域都处于世界顶尖水平,包含众多世界级研究和研究人员。CMU毕业生报告说,MS BIC毕业生在众多世界公司中企业招聘人员的好评和追捧。作为从MS BIC演变而来的CMU MS AIE项目,就业前景将会更加光明。

AIE students often become successful entrepreneurs armed with a wealth of practical skills, experience, and concrete value-creation capabilities. Those who choose to take a position with an established company enter the market as professionals trained in the latest generation of computational and data engineering technology and best practices. AIE graduates are perfectly poised to create immediate value in any startup or established organization.

MS AIE项目(2017年前项目MS BIC)的毕业生需求量很大,在过去的6年里,本项目的就业率达到了100% (我们的项目只有7年),包括:苹果,亚马逊,谷歌,英特尔,LinkedIn,微软,IBM,强生,罗氏,葛兰素史克,辉瑞,雅虎,波音等顶尖公司。除此之外,AIE学生从还成功创建了几家创业公司。


从CMU的名校加成和AI未来的发展前景以及CMU AIE的教学配置来说,此项目都是十分优秀的,包含了很多CS、AI等高精尖的课程,未来就业前景非常广阔,毕业生起薪更是同等CMU毕业生中名列前茅。因此,本项目成立以来受到了众多优秀申请者的追捧。

Y同学原本打算DIY申请,在了解到转专业申请计算机的严峻形势后,毅然决定选择爱祖儿帮助他进行申请的准备。爱祖儿的专业老师根据Y同学的转专业申请计算机的高难度的case,着重体现了Y同学对于AI的深度思考,携手Y同学一举拿下CMU 的 dream 项目offer!

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