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发布时间:2018-02-12 20:58

The M.A. program in Mathematics of Finance is designed for students who want to work in areas of quantitative finance such as quantitative portfolio management, quantitative trading, risk management, derivatives modeling, structuring and trading, and other related quantitative fields.

In conjunction with the Department of Statistics, the Department of Mathematics offers an M.A. in Mathematics with a specialization in the Mathematics of Finance. The program concentrates on the advanced quantitative methods required for modern finance and draws on the diverse strengths of Columbia in stochastic processes, numerical methods and application to finance.

The program consists of ten courses, of which six are required and four are electives. Topics covered include probability and random processes, statistics, partial differential equations, financial markets and instruments, valuation and hedging techniques, and computational and simulation methods. All required courses are available in the evenings. In addition to the regular course work, students attend a weekly seminar in which distinguished practitioners discuss their research, give mini-courses and suggest open problems.

Columbia University, 2016-17年US News美国大学综合排名第5名,是世界著名私立研究型大学、在学术界享有盛誉。

哥大的金融数学项目为哥大文理研究生院下属项目,由哥大统计系和数学系联合提供,项目课程设置合理且广泛,涵盖了概率、随机过程、统计、金融市场与金融工具等内容,能为学生今后的专业工作打下良好的基础,吸引了众多大牛学霸。该项目对于申请者有严格的硬件要求,在2016年的申请者中,有85%的申请者在GRE Quantitative获得了满分,而申请者GRE Verbal部分的平均分数也高达159,且有逐年上升的趋势。相比美国本土学生,国际学生的GRE分数通常更高,而对于成绩普遍较高的大陆学生来说,GRE Quantitative需要获得满分,Verbal部分高于160。此外,该项目偏爱在金融行业履历丰富的申请者,因此每年的申请者都是高手如云。L同学来自浙大金融系,金融专业知识扎实自然不在话下,但数学课程欠缺和实习经历的不足成了她的短板,针对这一点,爱祖儿老师凭借丰富的专业申请经验,对L同学进行了全面的背景提升。在文书的指导上突出了L同学的学术实践运用能力和对该项目领域的深刻见解,凸显出L同学在学术领域的发展潜力。最终帮助L同学突破重围,战神了诸多佼佼者,成功拿下Dream Offer!


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