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祝贺爱祖儿浙大金试班学子斩获Cornell MFE Offer!
发布时间:2018-02-12 20:42


The Master of Engineering is a full-time professionally oriented program building on traditional math, scientific, and engineering skills but focusing closely on the application of these skills.

Its objectives are to provide each student greater breadth and depth of technical knowledge and to provide an environment in which to synthesize and apply material studied in the coursework.

The program's emphasis is on mathematical modeling and on the application of quantitative techniques associated with optimization, probability, stochastic processes, and statistics to the design and operation of systems.

Students are not required to complete a thesis. They are required to complete an engineering design project through which they have the opportunity to work closely with practicing engineers or analysts and with Cornell faculty members. The projects are usually provided and sponsored by industrial, financial, or government organizations.

Students are expected to perform all aspects of the project work, from problem formulation to communication of project results. The project is similar to a professional activity in which creativity and a variety of techniques are applied to a problem that may not be clearly stated at the start rather than like a course in which an assigned body of material must be mastered.

For many students, the program can be completed in two semesters. A third semester is possible and is recommended for some students depending on their undergraduate degree and M.Eng. specialty (notably for the Financial Engineering option). Some program options include activities during the winter intersession.




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